BBC Social Reporter Myles Bonnar Set Up Adnan Ahmed a.k.a Addy Agame

Adnan Ahmed’s Original Statement To The Press Was Twisted Out of Context By a Hack Reporter To Sell a Story.


Adnan Ahmed’s Original BBC Social Statement – That was manipulated and ignored by Reporter Myles Bonner

“Thanks for getting in touch. The allegations are false.

It’s not nice to be accused of absurd allegations. It’s just a bunch of guys talking to a bunch of girls. If the female declines to speaking, the male has to respect that and leave.

No-one is at risk of rape or assault. I have women in my family that I love dearly and these are terrible accusation for me and them.

No-one even goes out in Glasgow. Other cities are better suited because of population and culture. This is no different than a lads holiday or a night out at the weekend. The BBC social video wasn’t reported accurately, it was portrayed in a certain way to look controversial in order to sell a story. Game is a male sub-culture on YouTube and guys watch it because they like women and wish to attract them.

I have sent you the questions I answered for them. They are as follows;

When you try to tell guys they need to better themselves through self-development, healthy lifestyle, mental health and addressing their issues – they don’t want to listen. Most guys just want the sex, so you give them proof it works to hook them in, then start the internal work so they can realise that sex or women will not bring them sustained happiness.

Infield footage is an old ‘game’ cultural thing that I did not create, but I have complied with it at times. The client base wants evidence of results as there are a lot of con men in the community, this is an ethical debate and I can understand where opinions will clash on this. The seduction community can be a controversial place. I see it like gangster rap in its early days, however I don’t feel game will ever go mainstream, it’s not for the politically correct.

A quality woman depends on the guy’s individual taste. For me it’s a match between physical beauty and attractive personality traits such as kindness, femininity, manners and a positive perspective. Every man’s perception of a quality woman will be different, it’s up to them to learn and define this. This also applies to physical beauty; different guys prefer different things in looks and personality. Someone may like a particular kind of girl and finds what attracts me to a woman less attractive. I can’t force an opinion on anyone, it’s their preference.

Myles – Motivation behind techniques; / Use of techniques;

  • Ans – We don’t promote using techniques, tactics or trickery; its lifestyle and mind-set improvement. I am simply talking about my rights as a man and my preference in certain types of women (good looks combined with a good personality and similar perspective on life). Game is self-development, it’s not about getting girls, it’s about improving yourself as a man outside of negative societal stereotypes, conditioning and expectations – and by default you will attract better people into your life including women. I’m living the best lifestyle for me personally, it’s not for everyone and I respect that.
  • This is about human behaviour and biology not just words and language.  90% of human communication is non-verbal that’s what we’re tapping into and teaching. It’s like seeing through the matrix of marketing and social conditioning. The rate of mental health issues, relationship breakdowns and substance abuse is evidence of an imbalance – however there are also many amazing rights, ethics and freedoms in the society we live in.
  • Male human beings are not responsible for all of society’s ills neither are female human beings; it’s unfair to blame one gender. We just view things practically and pragmatically rather than through a mainstream media lens. Gender should not be used as an excuse or tool to shame or hate anyone, this applies to both males and females, no-one is superior to anyone else. We refuse to take part in negative agendas taken to the extreme – this applies to both chauvinism and feminism. People have the right to choose whether they want monogamous or polygamous relationships, there is no need to lie or use techniques.

Myles – Use of Youtube; / nature of being publicly promoted pua

  • Ans – I don’t consider myself a pick-up artist. I’m a dating and life coach, though many of my clients are from that community. YouTube is a great platform to promote on these days and we follow their guidelines which meet legal and community standards. I have both males and females in my family; if I’m the best version of myself and a positive example of masculinity it has a positive knock on effect for all the people I’m involved with. As long as I’m improving myself and no-one is getting hurt in the process, that is all I’m concerned with, that’s what I teach.

Myles – Some people won’t understand, challenge views, strong defences from other dating coaches;

  • Ans – I don’t feel the need to defend myself to anyone, other people have the right to their opinions, I’m not concerned with that, there’s no need to present a defence. I’m not trying to change minds or the world or society. If people are not into this or fail to understand it, then that’s up to them. Everyone has the right to believe and do what they want. I’m not battling or fighting an invisible war with feminism or anyone else for that matter.
  • Society promotes excessive alcohol consumption, drug intake, unhealthy foods and shaming masculinity – we promote the opposite. Again if someone wants to do that then cool, but we don’t and it’s considered ‘out of the box.’ The same goes for relations with the opposite sex. Manners, kindness and femininity are attractive values in females, if a man wants to be with women like this he should improve himself to that standard, he should also have the right to avoid women that don’t meet that criteria. We teach respect for people, men and women. No-one should have an agenda pushed upon them or have to live up to an agenda imposed by others with a bias. We all have to respect each other’s rights to the lives we want, as long as it’s legal and no one is being hurt. If someone is offensive or tries to control the way you think, you should have boundaries and standards to not deal with those people.

Myles – Scene in Scotland;

  • Ans – There is virtually no ‘scene’ in Scotland. The closest you get to a scene in Scotland is people getting drunk and going out at night but that goes on anyway. Even I don’t game in Scotland anymore. No-one really does this in Scotland. I’ve had clients here and there but mostly I deal with clients in England, Eastern Europe and other places. Glasgow and Edinburgh don’t have enough of the type of women I’m attracted to, hence why I’m in Eastern Europe and Arab countries every couple of months. Plus any city with a population of less than a million people is not good for game. We have tried in Glasgow and Edinburgh but they’re too small and even though I have met some amazing girls in Scotland that are my type and I’ve had awesome experiences with them, I can meet a higher volume of my type in other countries. Scotland is a beautiful country with some lovely people but I wouldn’t recommend it for game, unless someone really likes a particular type of female.”

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