Christine From China Discusses Meeting And Dating Addy Agame Truthfully

Surnames Have Been Withheld To Protect Identity Of Contributors From Online Trolls and Cyber-Bullies


I am Christine, I live in China. I was studying in Glasgow, Scotland in 2016. I was 20 when I met Addy on Buchanan Street. We had a nice conversation that lasted around 10 mins. It was around 3pm on a Sunday.

I stopped to talk to him because he was a happy and confident man. We exchanged phone numbers, but nothing came of it. I was due to return to China a few months later at the end of term and decided to contact him. I consider myself to be a pretty girl, but no one had asked me out in the 2 years I’d been in Glasgow.

We went on a date to a couple of bars then headed to Addy’s place, afterwards I invited him to my place and showed him around the Chinese restaurants and spots most Westerners don’t know are the best (only Chinese do). He stayed the night at my flat. We went on a whirlwind adventure.

I had a nice time. Everything was mutual and consensual. At no point was he bad, rude, threatening, abusive or out of line. He is a very good man and I enjoyed his company. I returned home to China the next day and have fond memories of Scotland because of Addy.


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