Creepy Misandrist Hypocrite Hacks Catriona Stewart And Carla Jenkins Exposed After “Mentally Scarring Victims” For Slimeball Rag “The Evening Times,” As Addy Agame Beats False Allegations And Is Taken Off The Register
Addy Agame Proven Innocent, Beats False Allegations Due To Miscarriage Of Justice / No Actual Crime! –
Adnan Ahmed aka Addy Agame Wins Appeal To Overturn Wrongful Conviction / Sentence Due To Miscarriage Of Justice And No Actual Crime To Answer To –
2 Year Sentence Is Reversed And His Lawyers Seek Compensation For His Wrongful Imprisonment
Taken Off The Offenders Register Due To; No Crime Taking Place, Incompetent Brainwashed Judge And Jury, And Press Corruption!
Whistle-Blower Exposed For Creating Witch-Hunt Because She Sexually Assaulted And Racially Abused Him!
Judge Who “Hit Out” (At Addy Agame) Is Disciplined, Punished And Rebuked By His Superiors As Addy Wins Appeal To Have Wrongful Conviction Overturned Due To Miscarriage Of Justice Resulting From Media-Puppet Judge’s Conduct
Fake News Hack Misandrist Creeps Catriona Stewart And Carla Jenkins Humiliated And Exposed As Dishonest Liars And Incapable Journalist Morons
False Accusers Proven To Be Liars And To Be Faking “Mental Scarring” As Nothing Happened But Passing Polite Remarks
Yet another pathetic reporter glory hunts to save her tragic career, clown Catriona Stewart. Vile creep Catriona has the appearance of a typically insane modern day feminist desperado. Older, portly and angry (about nothing and everything!). The tubby blonde OAP reporter makes an absolute fool of herself on social media – her hobbies include; “sitting on the sofa in her night clothes drinking gallons of wine.”
Scummy Catriona normally preys on her victims via writing crappy trash articles about “traffic, manicures and car washes;” but decided to target Addy Agame to give her career a boost, she needs the money for more gallons of wine to drink on her sofa! The seedy feminist claims, “unfair that women in the public eye have their wardrobe analysed,” really Catriona, get a grip on reality, you’ve never encountered an actual problem in your whole lonely and miserable life (except maybe potential alcoholism).
Slimy Catriona Stewart claims to be a “cyclist” (though she shows no sign of athleticism in her frame) and states; “people shout at her when she cycles and it annoys her.” Maybe you should speed up or move out the way you moron, to be honest people probably spot the creature’s demeanour and shout out of protest and disgust. This is who writes for the Evening Times people, be warned!
This dirty geek’s writing is almost as bad as her crap dress sense. Her choice of words to sensationalise lie is “victims,” there were no victims, there were no actual crimes recognised under UK Law, there has to be a crime to be a “victim.” Fake “victims” who are glory-hungry idiots, jump on a fake #metoo bandwagon (saying they were simply chatted up) actually take away from real victims who actually have to face the reality of real crimes. The only “victims” in connection to the Evening Times are the people they victimise through their vile trash hate articles.
Clatty Catriona spewed; “preying on young women, he targeted them.” If you observe clearly there is no “preying” or “targeting” of women. They either stopped to speak to Addy or they walked with him, both of their own free will. This is another predictable gas lighting tactic by the feminist scum-bag, she uses words like “targeting” instead of “approaching” and “preying” instead of “meeting.”
Witches Carla Jenkins And Catriona Stewart Are Fake News Spreading Deviant Scum Reporters And Horrible Evil Mutants That Write For Disgraced Rag “The Evening Times”
Carla is unattractive with embarrassing dress-sense, below average looks and a horrible personality. Both these horrible evil deviant mutants specialise in fraud journalism. Clown bum Carla Jenkins is a professional seedy stalker, whose job entails hounding people and desperately begging for stories for minimum wage. Both vultures Catriona Stewart and Carla Jenkins invent entire scenarios, casts of characters and reams of dialogue in their Evening Times article about wrongfully convicted dating coach Addy Agame Ahmed.
Shady Catriona Stewart and tragic Carla Jenkins make a measly living out of corrupting an already self-indulgent / predominately white Scottish media field that fakes diversity and equality. In reality they are just a couple of idiot low-IQ slime-bags that write for garbage tabloids like the Evening Times!
Dog-hack Carla Jenkins is at again. The overweight, try-hard, bitter joke of a reporter wrote a crappy article with sad-sack hack pal Catriona Stewart in October 2019 celebrating Ahmed’s wrongful conviction / imprisonment – which has now been completely reversed and quashed! Carla Jenkins’ track record of corny and disgusting articles that she spews out as some sort of alarmist warped trash is evident from her past work. Sickening clown Carla Jenkins doesn’t care about helping people, the chubby journo only cares about pushing fake news down the throats of anyone unfortunate enough to come across her crazed ramblings. Jenkins gives off the air of a deranged person with “woke” perspectives gathered from confused social media posts and from the sinister shallow masks of her gaping insecurities / inferiority complex.
Firstly Carla, what was the point of this article? Does the Glasgow Evening Times have no real news to report? Do they feel no responsibility towards the mental well being of the Scottish public? They must not, hiring and publishing the likes of stain Carla Jenkins! Secondly your article is muddled up pointless crap about masculinity being negative because you’re stuck in the feminist idiot eco-chamber of hate and most likely use it in a negative context (addictive social media use and pushing fake news filth). Cretin Carla pains about print journalism being rejected by the public; well maybe if reptiles like you wrote truthful news instead of click bait defamatory poison, your industry wouldn’t be dying out. Along with more confused ramblings about this non-issue, she wrote some trash about her weird childhood in previous articles; reptilian Jenkins then mentions dating coach Adnan Ahmed, despite him having being proven innocent of the low-intellect false allegations in her cheesy article and its nonsense content.
Bitter Carla Jenkins is transparent and a childish moron. The actual reason she mentions Ahmed is because she was called out online for spreading lies about him, which exposed her for the amateur fraud and absolute charlatan that she is. Fraudster Carla mentions Addy Agame in order to dirty his name further by associating him with issues that have nothing to do with him and that are not even issues in the first place. This is a disgusting abuse of journalistic responsibility, ridiculously predatory reporting and sham news – well we expect nothing less from Carla to make up a pointless story just to try to hurt someone’s reputation, at least Ahmed punished jakey Jenkins in by winning his appeal to prove his innocence and exposed her pathetic poisonous tactics!
Con-artist Carla previously wrote about her own ability to cat-fish “a real human” via her phone for a date (unlikely in our opinion) and her strange, awkward Twitter and email messages to strangers online. If anyone is violating digital intimacy, privacy and harassment – sounds like it’s creepy Carla Jenkins! Delusional Carla even mentioned being “cat fished” by some random person and described a digital scenario (where she doesn’t even meet this person in person) as a “relationship” – how very strange of you yet again Carla! The madness in Jenkins spills out all over her articles, she does not come across as a stable person. However she’s so deluded, she probably believes people don’t see through her deceit.
Maniacal Jenkins stated; “I reported victim’s reactions to the conviction of Addy Agame.” No Carla you wrote sensationalised fairy stories filled with contradictory lies and about people who don’t exist, defaming Addy Agame and trying to justify his “wrongful conviction” caused by your fake news Scottish media buds in Ahmed’s “trial by media” show-trial. Addy was proven ‘not guilty’ in the high court, so what you reported was garbage! The whole court-case was a farce and that is why the wrongful conviction was overturned by 3 esteemed high courts expert judges. The false allegations slimy Jenkins referenced were exposed as fake news trash and showed her to be a liar. See the following links for full details;
Predatory Creepy Liar Carla Jenkins (Evening Times) Victimises Addy Agame (Not Guilty!) In Fake News Article;
Game on: Creepy Carla Jenkins and Jerk Jack Aitchison Make Up “Fake Victims” To Justify Wrongful Conviction of Dating Coach Addy Agame Ahmed (Evening Times);
Corny Clown Carla Jenkins (Glasgow Evening Times) Uses Disgusting Reporting Tactics Writing Bitter Article On “Digital Intimacy” Mentioning Adnan Ahmed Despite Him Having No Links To This Whatsoever!;
Catriona Stewart is everything that’s wrong with fake news donkey reporters these days. Aside from the fact that she put a picture of her face on a previous seedy article, in which she looks like a bloated wart-hog version of Miss Piggy from The Muppets (think typical scatter-brained Scottish feminist; overweight, around 50 years old, tragic dress sense, face like a basketball, limited consumer influenced knowledge, robotic predictable buzzword communication style, etc, etc). She even writes like the erratic Muppets pig character also!
Smut-peddler Catriona comes across as if she’s just winging it and making up statements as she goes along, throughout her whole article. We get it Catriona; you’re childish, bratty and bitter when you’re called out on your fake news BS, but the answer is not to write even more crazy, transparent, sensationalised, falsified fake news BS! She started her previous insane article with the headline; “Addy Agame And Dating Scam Victims Are Brave To Seek Justice,” this is ridiculous and her desperation is hilarious. Clown Catriona simply pasted Addy’s name alongside some random story to do with a completely random guy who was committing fraud on Tinder, to demonise Addy further despite Addy having done no such thing and having no association with this completely random story / guy. Stalker Stewart does this throughout all her crappy articles. The only person “seeking justice” was Addy and he got, he cleared his name and proved his complete innocence in a court of law defeating all the cowards involved in his set-up / circumstances. Talk about an easy defamation case to sue over and win, it must sting muppet lady!
The appalling thing about the case is that it was a total miscarriage of justice that made it into a court of law in the first place because of media hype, in a country where laws can be made up on the spot in a court of law to suit media pressure. Scotland’s press, legislation, courts, judges, social workers, women’s rights groups, politicians, government, prisons, police force; even it’s sports leagues are a 2nd rate flimsy replica of England – it’s like kids playing make-believe, winging it to be like the bigger, cooler kids. No one else in the world was prosecuted for simply flirting with women to teach dating like Addy was. Instead people ridiculed the Scottish press and legal system for doing so!
The amount of fake virtue-signalling in crappy Catriona’s even crappier article is sickening. She pretends to care about “victims,” when in actuality her disgusting article was a feeble attempt to get even at Red Pill Rights for exposing her sleazy creepiness! The stalker reporter Stewart started with a stupid laughable statement trying to sound virtuous, stating; “blame is easier than empathy, that’s a part of it.” This reads like someone’s had one too many bottles of wine on the couch yet again, eh Catriona! You write for The Herald / Evening Times, let’s not pretend to be virtuous Catriona – your peers take secret snaps of unsuspecting celebs in their underwear whilst they’re on holiday and publish that as stories in the crap newspaper you work for!
We’re not gonna address the dumb bile Catriona wrote about some random con-man on Tinder she seems infatuated with. We’ll just address her defamation and absurd association of Adnan Ahmed with this nonsense pointless story of hers! You are disgusting for spreading such a massive miscarriage of justice via a smear campaign Catriona. The man was not convicted of any actual offences, the trumped up bogus charges he was wrongfully convicted of are not actually recognised crimes in Scotland! Well, he beat all the charges and was proven innocent in the high court, must feel good to do that and also completely destroy the feminist press in one genius swoop!
Here are even more articles that expose this monstrosity of a reporter;
Pathetic Creep “Catriona Stewart” (Evening Times) Writes Trash Article About Addy Agame (Not Guilty!) Court Proceedings;
Smut-Peddler Catriona Stewart Writes Idiotic (The Herald) Article About Addy Agame; Associating Him With Random Online Dating Scam Not Linked With Him At All, In A Bitter Attempt To Demonise Him (Addy Agame Proven Innocent, Beats False Allegations Due To Miscarriage Of Justice / No Actual Crime!);
Predatory creep reporter Carla Jenkins is a fake news spreading liar. The seedy pest is known for stalking victims online and harassing them to give her stories, as well as pressuring them to follow her on Twitter and intimidating them to DM her intimate details of their private lives. Seedy sleazebag Carla Jenkins gets her philosophy on life and warped perspective from soap opera Coronation Street; this explains her lack of intelligence, lack of integrity and blatant dishonesty.
Slimy loser Carla Jenkins depressingly admits on social media that she has been rejected from numerous jobs – most likely because of her hateful, twisted, dishonest demeanour. Reject reporter Carla Jenkins tweets about leeching off friends and ‘being in debt because of her overdraft and spending her money on alcohol’ (her lack of funds made her state; “pints are expensive”).
This low class amateur journalist sank to even lower depths when she quoted a “fake victim” who had previously changed her false allegation stories (about Addy Agame) 3 times – first in the media, then in a police statement, then in court – and then a 4th time in treacherous glory hunter Carla Jenkins’ Evening Times article!
Speaking of the Evening Times aka Evening Slimes, it’s no wonder the flagging news rag employs bums like Carla Jenkins. Seventeen MPs signed a motion in regards to editors being sacked at Glasgow based Evening Times because of terrible journalism. Parent company News Quest offered scummy Evening Times staff demotions (the opposite of promotion) and less pay. Recently a lack of sales and the falling popularity of fake news toilet paper rag (The Evening Times aka The Evening Swines) led to the dishonest publication making bum journalists redundant and demoting editors to lower positions. If the charlatans at the Evening Times reported the truth instead of exaggerated lies from unreliable sources, maybe they would cease their well deserved decline.
Jenkins started her hate speech by stating; “victim bravely speaks of ordeal ahead of sentencing.” This was a disgusting weak attempt by the creepy journo to influence court proceedings. There were no “victims” or “ordeal” – just false allegations, and there is nothing “brave” about lying. Her source told 4 different stories about an incident innocent man Addy Agame denied via his one consistent account of what actually happened. Ahmed was emphatically proven to be ‘not guilty’ in the high court as 3 judges stated no crime took place, which in turn proves hack Carla and her fake victim to be lying misandrist scumbags!
Adnan Ahmed Acquitted And Cleared Of All False Allegation Of Acting In Threatening Or Abusive Manner (Which Is Basically Just Section 38 Breach Of The Peace)
The Deception Game: By Myles Bonnar, The Man-Child Who Made A BBC Flop-umentary Defaming Dating Coaches In Order To Kick-Start His Failed Career As A Reporter;
BBC Scotland “Exposed” For Using Prejudicial Social Media Campaign To Frame An Online Dating Coach;
EPISODE 1- ”Mainstream Media Demonisation Of Addy Agame” –
EPISODE 2 – ”The BBC’s Manipulation / Defamation Of Street Attraction” –
EPISODE 3 – ”Infield Videos & False Allegations” –
EPISODE 4 – ”History, Society, Politics & Feminazis” –
The Evening Times are morons who lie to sensationalise nonsense in order to sell copies of their pathetic newspaper, as well as influence unsuspecting members of the public. These idiots don’t fact check at all, as is evident via their stupid hit-piece article by their cowardly reporters Stewart and Jenkins on October 19th, 2019 regarding Addy Agame.
Turns out Addy was right all along as all false allegations were dropped, all charges were reversed, and all wrongful convictions were overturned. Looks like the scummy Evening Times hacks got it totally wrong as usual! The fake news slime-balls even called Addy a “pick-up artist.” Again misinformation, as Adnan Ahmed has said on many occasions, “I am not a pick-up artist, I’m a dating and life coach, we help people using scientific self-help – not tricks, techniques, lines and tactics.” Addy’s innocence was so clear cut that despite the underhanded tactics the sleazy Scottish press employed, he was found not guilty and defeated them!
Spineless creep journos Carla Jenkins And Catriona Stewart have slimy cringe writing mannerisms that reflect their angry big-women geek appearances. Sleazy Scot reporters Carla Jenkins And Catriona Stewart lacked the back-bone to make their wasted education count for anything and ended up writing for fake news rag, The Evening Times. Creepy sleazes Carla Jenkins And Catriona Stewart are charmless bores, this is evident via their lame tweets about monotonous drivel. Feminist losers like Carla Jenkins And Catriona Stewart will forever be mad at alpha males who go out and win in life!
Yep, we have another 2 woke, radical feminists and self-proclaimed man-haters. There seems to be a direct correlation between feminist journalists that write garbage and that are borderline sociopaths. Que bad haircut, even worse dress-sense and below average looks and we have our latest misandrist hate-pushers. Carla Jenkins And Catriona Stewart are typical modern-day misandrist reporters, jumping on demonising narratives to increase page views for amateur unprofessional newspaper “The Evening Times.”
Carla Jenkins And Catriona Stewart are airheads, you’ll see them moaning about fake-activism, man-hating and rehashing garbage because they don’t have an original thought in their moronic skulls. Carla Jenkins And Catriona Stewart are your usual “woke” socialised idiots that splutter from the usual social justice script, despite scientific evidence proving otherwise! SJWs Carla Jenkins And Catriona Stewart don’t care about facts, it’s all about virtue-signalling the latest activism trend for discriminatory morons like them.
Rancid Carla Jenkins And Catriona Stewart don’t have a personality or an original thought in their head. They are the epitome of constructed fake personas attempting to tick certain socially acceptable boxes because they are approval chasing losers with low self-esteem. They come across as children desperately wanting people to like them, which in turn makes people dislike them!
Horrendous Carla Jenkins And Catriona Stewart write for scummy virtue signalling fake news rag The Evening Times. Amongst creepy Carla Jenkins And Catriona Stewarts’ articles about man-hating and petty gossip for The Evening Times is a sea of radical feminist / man-hating / woke brainwashing drivel! Don’t read The Evening Times, it’s written by bitter idiots for bitter idiots. It will only serve to ruin balanced feminine women and grounded masculine men. The Evening Times is propaganda for idiots too stupid and conditioned to see through the disgusting feminist narrative!
The Evening Times doesn’t report truth or have any originality at all – their journalists are cowards! Two particular cowards Carla Jenkins And Catriona Stewart wrote articles about Adnan Ahmed’s wrongful conviction / show-trial by the media and the complete miscarriage of justice he experienced (Adnan Ahmed aka Addy Agame won his appeal to overturn the wrongful conviction and sentence due to a miscarriage of justice and no actual crime to answer to in September 2020). Carla Jenkins And Catriona Stewart are most likely low-life bitter media hacks, too spineless to actually tell the truth, in pathetic fear that Red Pill groups will expose them for the seedy scumbag liars that they are. Men’s rights are human rights; hence why we represent the truth without succumbing to what mainstream media propaganda wants to brain-wash the masses to think.
The obvious problem with leftist SJW reporters and press is that they are trained to be deceitful and to sensationalise the truth by reporting inaccurate falsehoods that allow them to just about get away with telling lies because of how the misinformation is presented to simply imply something false as true. For sneaky reporters it is a tactic used to be a creepy stalker and to attack others, whilst keeping their filthy laundry private!
The Evening Times is a newspaper set-up for coward reporters to spam their fake news (whilst pretending it’s by another journalist). Scummy journalists basically just spam the same lies and inaccuracies in as many pages as possible in order to make it look like different people are talking about the same thing. This (they think) gives their stories weight as it tricks the public into believing a story because it looks like it is coming from various sources! Read Ryan Holiday’s book “Trust me, I’m lying” for a full understanding of how the media manipulate the public and destroy reputations without facing any repercussions.
The Evening Times are well known for their fake news, false allegations and dirty lies in countless articles. The Evening Times were forced to apologise for a rape story they featured recently because they irresponsibly published intimate aspects of the alleged victims ordeal. They also twisted the story in order to sensationalise it to sell their filthy publication. The alleged victim claimed that by The Evening Times reporting it in the twisted manner the fake news vultures did, it was like reliving the horrible ordeal. An MSP got involved (for the right reason for once) and the newspaper made a weak apology. The alleged victim attempted to commit suicide 3 times because of this. This is the fault of the cowards at The Evening Times, who hide their nasty journalist’s names by crediting their garbage articles to “The Evening Times.” Thus, every reporter at The Evening Times is responsible and should be liable and held accountable for their lies.
The creeps at The Evening Times grasped at straws by quoting the disgraced and rebuked judge, they stated, “Sheriff Lindsay Wood sent Ahmed to prison for 2 years and put him on the sex offenders register for 10 years… found there was a significant sexual aspect to the offences.” Well merely months later Ahmed appealed this corrupt judge’s wrong decision and reversed the wrongful verdict, proving his innocence fully, Ahmed was removed from the register because he committed no sexual offences or crimes at all!
The moron Sheriff was wrong and is now viewed as a complete embarrassment to his profession as there was “no sexual aspect whatsoever,” look it up in the Scottish Law books, Lindsay Wood gets a grilling and is completely put in his place as being a dunce of a judge by his legal superiors!
So there were no offences as no convictions exist, no crime took place – are The Evening Times hacks dumb or are they gas-lighting and defaming an innocent man?! One thing’s for sure, they are fake news dirt-bags making false accusations because Ahmed was proven innocent in a court of law and ”all 5 women” were proven to be lying perjurers, so no ”offences” took place apart from by the women who lied under oath!
Reasons For Appeal;
- The trial judge caused a miscarriage of justice via his bias and discriminatory misconduct, especially when he elected to cross examine the accused at the end of the defence’s case
- The judge erred in repelling the ‘no case (crime) to answer submissions‘ made under Scottish law for all the charges the accused was wrongfully convicted of, causing a miscarriage of justice
- It was impossible for the accused to receive a fair trial based on the manner the police sought out complainers
- It was impossible for the accused to receive a fair trial because the Scottish press influenced the jury / public negatively both before and during the trial, causing a miscarriage of justice
- It was impossible for the accused to receive a fair trial because the social worker initially allocated, and the trial judge were influenced by press propaganda during the trial causing a miscarriage of justice
- The social workers report was prejudicial and relied on opinion from the press rather than impartiality from a professional standpoint
- There was NO sexual element / aggravation / motivation – the accused was running a dating business for a monetary purpose not for sexual gratification
- There was NO actual sexual offense committed and NO actual sexual convictions, hence notification requirements were the wrong outcome, causing a miscarriage of justice
Scotland is in an extremely regressive, backwards, violent and ugly era of criminal justice. Legal precedents and crazy laws are being made up on the spot without political clearance. How can a sheriff / judge justify wrongfully convicting a man of something that is not a crime by simply labelling it ‘breach of the peace’ or ‘threatening / abusive behaviour?’ Even so, none of the convictions were sexual offences, putting a person on the sex offenders register for 10 years despite that person not even being convicted of a sexual offence is a disgrace! Simply stating there may have been that motivation is a farcical miscarriage of justice and total lunacy – Sheriff Lindsay Wood was playing up to the press in order to be quoted so he could gain accolade and praise. He himself should face legal action for using a court of law in such a manner. Wood is a man who enabled the media’s prejudicial imperative by default in his legislative actions, judgement and ruling, reflexively and emotionally driven, without genuine judicial insight. Simply put the man is an incompetent imbecile.
If someone hasn’t committed any sexual offences at all, no register should be required. Ahmed’s wrongful conviction was “section 38 breach of the peace.” There was no sexual element, it was chatting! A Sheriff should not be influenced by other cases or the media, they have a duty to be impartial and to do the right thing by the law! The law should always overrule the media; however, it seems to be the opposite way around in Scotland. This insanity occurring meant any man chatting up any woman in Scotland (whether it be during the day or in a nightclub) will be at risk of being put on the sex offenders register, even if no sexual offence has occurred! Luckily Ahmed’s victory ensured that chatting up women in Scotland is now 100% legal!
3 of the highest judges in Scotland agreed with Ahmed and stated the evidence did not indicate Ahmed did anything wrong! Ahmed was totally correct, he also never called himself a “victim.” despite the sleazy media trying oh so hard to stop him; he beat the fake charges and the fake news media in one swift motion – wow, what a man!
The rancid misandrist hacks continued to quote the now disgraced clown Sheriff, stating; “schoolgirls were shamefully targeted by you in a quiet lane and 3 other women were considerably younger than you, the Sheriff told Ahmed.” All of which is a lie! The reality is this Sheriff has a history of kissing up to the scummy Scottish media’s butt-cheeks and saw this as an opportunity to do so again, but he was caught out by 3 higher ranked judges and punished for it – everything he stated was reversed. There was no one that was “shamefully targeted,” there was no “quiet lane” and even if 3 other women were “considerably younger” than Ahmed, that is not a crime. Just because Sheriff Wood is attracted to over-the-hill grandmas doesn’t mean every other man should be. You don’t see George Clooney or Leonardo DiCaprio or Drake standing trial for being attracted to young, hot models – the fact is this Sheriff was a male-feminist idiot trying to enforce dumb social justice nonsense as actual law! He was rightly caught out and exposed for it by his superiors and now his actual job is in question because no one in the Scottish legal system respects his decisions or authority! 3 of the highest judges in Scotland agreed that Addy Agame is innocent.
Creepy Carla Jenkins And Catriona Stewart continued to quote the amateur judge; “he added: why on earth would you consider it appropriate to touch a complete stranger on the cheek and try to kiss them. The public will be wise to such behaviour towards women by you and others like you.” Yeah, wrong again idiot. This didn’t happen – the prosecutor, the defence, the jury and even you laughed at this lying false accuser in court when she gave evidence because of how outlandishly far-fetched it was! There are 4 contradictory accounts on record that prove this false accuser lied, Ahmed had an eye witness that said she lied, Addy himself said she lied – it didn’t happen! And 3 high court judges agreed that she lied!
And the public are not wise to anything but the facts, which are “Adnan Ahmed was totally acquitted, found innocent and given a not guilty verdict by 3 intelligent highly ranked judges because there was no crime to answer to and the idiot Sheriff who ran the trial caused a complete miscarriage of justice due to his SJW views and insane conduct.”
Here are some more legal facts that brilliant senior judge Lord Turnbull stated; “there was nothing in the appellant’s behaviour as spoken by complainers which was overly threatening or which could be construed as threatening. There was nothing in the appellant’s conduct spoken by complainers which constituted threatening behaviour, witness described a compliment. Accordingly, the Sheriff erred in failing to give affect to no case to answer submissions presented on the appellants behalf in respect to these charges also. The exercise the Sheriff was engaged in had already lacked any element of clarification, the Sheriff appeared to be in the process of arguing with the appellant. Since the appeal against conviction is upheld on both grounds in all charges, the appeal against sentence flies off.”
Seedy simpletons Carla Jenkins And Catriona Stewart continued to quote their simp daddy Sheriff; “he praised victims for giving evidence, adding; the mental scarring won’t leave in a hurry….they will be fortified that by giving evidence you will be held to account.” Firstly there were no ”victims” because there was no crime, they were proven to be liars and Ahmed was found not guilty. Secondly, the lack of mental intellect of the Sheriff’s statement will not leave – ever, because no one was “mentally scarred” by a passing conversation / remarks, as all false accusers were proven to be lying perjurers because Ahmed was acquitted and found innocent in the high court! Thirdly, the false accusing witches were “fortified” as full-blown lying, racist, #MeToo, Karen, white women that made up false allegations whilst giving evidence against a brown man because of his skin colour and to get pathetic attention via a media induced scandal!
Lastly, if you mean Adnan Ahmed would emerge victorious and defeat everyone involved in his attempted demise by “held to account” then ok, but the ironic fact is Sheriff Wood was the one “held to account” by higher legal authorities for being a useless judge that is unable to do his job or serve justice via the actual law! Addy won, you lost, hope your idiotic press rant was worth your career being ended pal!
Carla Jenkins And Catriona Stewart went onto quote the disgraced media-influenced rebuked judge, stating: “Sheriff Wood said Ahmed had a lack of remorse.” Well, that’s because Ahmed did nothing wrong and proved it in a high court in front of 3 real judges, not a donkey Sheriff who was trying to be a hero for the slimy Scottish press in a kangaroo-court show-trial! They continued; “he told him: you gave evidence and said the victims were lying or mistaken; but the jury thought otherwise. It was obvious when they gave evidence how they were affected.” Eh, no! Again – there were no “victims” as no crime was committed (that’s official now in the Scottish law books and legal records). Secondly, Ahmed “gave evidence” the accusers were “lying or mistaken” and was proven to be telling the truth in the high court (another L for you Sheriff Wood). Thirdly, the jury could think what they want – Ahmed got a “not guilty” verdict for all charges in the high court (plus the jury were not impartial as they were brain-washed by the scumbags in the Scottish media). Lastly, it wasn’t “obvious how they were affected” as this was a witch-hunt created by the media, there was no crime in the first place – what’s next the media will hype eating vegetables as misogynistic and a trial will be held hosting a bunch of idiots saying a man eating a carrot made them feel uncomfortable?! Get a grip on reality!
The idiot feminist hacks at The Evening Times continued to quote the shamed Sheriff trying to gain clout by co-signing social justice nonsense, they stated (quoting the shamed Sheriff); “you have acquired notoriety and an unenviable reputation, the public will be wise to such inappropriate behaviour by you and others like you.” Turns out you were wrong again Sheriff. Ahmed’s reputation is that he was acquitted, vindicated, found not guilty, proved his innocence and was right all along – while Sheriff Wood is now a laughing stock in Scottish Legal circles, here is what his superiors had to say about his “unenviable reputation” –
The shamed sheriff was criticised by 3 high court judges for conducting a “cross-examination” of a defendant and telling his representative to “sit down”.
Counsel for the appellant, Claire Mitchell QC, said that Sheriff Lindsay Wood’s questions “would have led the independent observer to reach the view that the sheriff had formed an adverse view of his credibility”.
The judges said the evidence did not indicate that Mr Ahmed was guilty of threatening behaviour.
Lord Turnbull wrote: “It does not seem to us that a polite conversational request or compliment can be construed as threatening merely because it is uninvited or unwelcome.”
Sheriff Wood was also criticised by the judges for his “cross-examination”.
Lord Turnbull wrote: “The trial sheriff engaged in an exercise which could only be described as cross-examination.
“The informed and impartial observer would readily have concluded that the sheriff had formed an adverse view on the credibility of the appellant’s evidence.
“The result was a miscarriage of justice and the appeal against conviction on each charge must be upheld on this ground.”
The judges also found that Sheriff Wood’s behaviour in telling advocate Donna Armstrong to sit down was “unacceptable”.
Lord Turnbull wrote: “In the present case counsel was correct to object to the sheriff’s questioning when she did.
“It is unacceptable for a judicial office holder to address a responsible practitioner by telling her to sit down.
“Such behaviour carries the risk of demeaning the standing of the judiciary in the eyes of both the legal profession and of the public.”
And yes Addy has gained positive notoriety in men’s rights political circles in which he is working and helping other men in similar circumstances who have been wronged by biased criminal and family courts. Ahmed is speaking at many public men’s rights events as well as suing the state and media for compensation. Turns out his behaviour wasn’t “inappropriate” and that is now official under Scottish law!
They reported a total lie, there were no charges of ”secretly filmed himself approaching women.” There are legal documents (indictment and appeal outcome) that prove this. The Evening Times are bare faced lying pigs, it’s no wonder they’re getting sued all across the UK!
The stinking losers at The Evening Times tried to further defame an innocent man because Ahmed’s wrongful conviction was partly their doing. Ahmed’s wrongful conviction being quashed basically proves the Evening Times wrong and Addy right – the cry babies don’t seem to be handling it too well. The Evening Times pathetically tried to demonise Ahmed by saying “secretly filmed himself approaching women,” which he didn’t, he didn’t “film himself,” plus it’s not illegal to do so, it’s a common press tactic.
The dead-beat feminist clowns at The Evening Times continued; “secretly filmed himself approaching women and girls in city streets.” Again he didn’t film himself, he was being filmed you idiots! Ahmed was not charged with this because it is not a crime! It may be immoral to some, but who the hell are The Evening Times to talk about morality to anyone, they’ve been caught with their pants down and exposed hundreds of thousands of times. Stop whining you alarmist idiots. This is no different from how media hypocrites like Carla, Catriona and sleazy Myles Bonnar film people without their consent and post / broadcast it. What’s “horrific” is The Evening Times, Carla and Catriona don’t conceal the identities of the people they demonise for personal gain – these coaches at least did protect the identities of the females they interacted with. And how are others supposed to learn if there are no video examples?! Ultimately – this is not illegal under UK law. You seem to have more of a problem with the law, rather than an actual valid issue.
Ahmed’s wrongful conviction being quashed basically proves Carla and Catriona wrong and Addy right – the cry babies don’t seem to be handling it too well either. The Evening Times pathetically tried to demonise Ahmed by saying “posted clips on YouTube of him approaching women,” which he didn’t.
Sleazy scumbags Carla and Catriona stated; “Ahmed found guilty of acting in threatening and abusive manner following an 8-day trial.” In reality Ahmed was wrongfully convicted by a biased jury who were influenced by an online social media campaign and horrible selective press reporting during every turn of his trial (by Scottish media scum). Even though it was clearly stated in court; “this is not a crime; being confident is not a crime, having a conversation is not a crime, witness is unreliable, asking someone out is not a crime, if you have any inclination of reasonable doubt – he’s innocent, people’s perspectives were skewed by how Ahmed was portrayed in a online/ media hate campaign.” Ahmed was actually wrongfully convicted of section 38 breach of the peace which is equivalent to raising one’s voice too loud outdoors, complete madness! Here’s how the jury process works in Scotland, there is no screening for racist, feminist, prejudice or psychiatric deficiencies (unlike the USA). 15 members of the public are selected at random and simply told, “don’t go on social media or media” without any enforcement or checks conducted during the trial. Ahmed’s jury was made up of 9 females and 6 males (some of which were programmed by the media to hate him, some pudgy beta males and some angry overweight feminists), the wrongful non-majority “guilty” verdict was appealed and overturned in September 2020 as no crime was actually committed! Ahmed maintained his innocence, all 18 of the fake charges were dropped due to all allegations being false! Adnan Ahmed did not receive a fair trial and is not guilty of any criminal conduct – that is the official legal outcome of this bizarre Evening Times witch-hunt! Addy won; the media, the trolls and his false accusers were defeated by him!
The jury and accusers are asked to take an “oath to God” to ensure an unbiased testimony, without individuals even being screened to see if they even believe in God (in an age of rampant atheist beliefs). It’s a ridiculous board-game style set-up, the initial Sheriff court case was not justice, it was a farce! It was the aim of the clowns in the Scottish press to dehumanise Adnan Ahmed, objectify him, troll him and discredit his reputation in order to write scandalised, sensationalised lies as news stories. They did not write about his girlfriend and his mother being present to support him during the trial, as well as various male and female well-wishers and supporters dropping in and out during the proceedings. They did not report whole testimonials, only select words to demonise Ahmed further. The press even reported incidents Ahmed was found “not guilty” of after the kangaroo-court show-trial finished. This is further grounds for him to sue for defamation, which he is in the process of doing!
The toilet paper news outlet made up fake charges of “posting or targeting.” Typical tabloid press style trash. Ahmed faced no charges of “posting or targeting” anyone, he was wrongfully convicted of section 38 breach of the peace. He won his appeal to overturn all false allegations and will sue the hounds at The Evening Times for targeting him with their lies and filth!
These creeps have the cheek to accuse Addy Agame (an innocent man, proven not guilty and totally vindicated in the highest court in the country) of “posting or targeting” – really! This is an absolute lie, Addy was not found guilty of “posting or targeting” anyone, there were no charges of “posting or targeting” even lodged against him.
How does it feel to scumbags Catriona and Carla to know they were disgustingly wrong and that Ahmed fought them all they way and embarrassed them by winning; maybe that’s why they’re so desperate to still demonise him, well cry a river you reptiles because you were well and truly defeated!
Addy gave a statement at the trial also telling the court; “no one involved (the women) thought anything untoward was going on until their perception was changed by how I was portrayed in the online and media smear campaign in January 2019 (referring to BBC Social’s cyber-hate video). All of a sudden, a few warped people said I spoke to them like it was not just a quick chat. I could have asked someone the time and they would have reported it as being uncomfortable or intimidating.” Many legal experts also agreed and re-iterated this throughout the trial.
Following are links to Addy’s actual statement to the press in January 2019 and the actual details of his appeal victory.
BBC Social Reporter Myles Bonnar Set Up Adnan Ahmed a.k.a Addy Agame –
Adnan Ahmed aka Addy Agame Wins Appeal To Overturn Wrongful Conviction / Sentence Due To Miscarriage Of Justice And No Actual Crime To Answer To –
Bitter bums Carla and Catriona continued; “caused 5 victims fear and alarm, left mentally scarred.” This is from the sordid minds of suspect hacks with seedy fantasies – and is a complete lie! Well turns out they were lying because Ahmed was acquitted of all charges due to no crime to answer to, he should have them imprisoned for perjury!
The Evening Times are just butt-hurt because Ahmed proved them wrong, exposed them as liars and is now suing them! The Evening Times are scumbags, that make a living from spreading lies, fake news and defaming innocent people.
- Chloe From Lenzie Discuses Her Rendezvous With Addy Agame –
- Tia From Glasgow Talks About Dating Addy Agame –
- Aisha From Saudi Arabia Describes Her Holiday Romance With Adnan Ahmed (aka Addy Agame) –
- Jill From Sheffield Gives Honest Feedback On Her Positive Experience With Addy Agame –
- Christine From China Discusses Meeting And Dating Addy Agame Truthfully-
- Canadian Karen Describes Her “Lovely” Chance Meeting With Addy Agame In Uddingston –
- Glasgow Dating Coach Adnan Ahmed a.k.a Addy Agame Helps Football Referee In Australia With His Dating Life –
- Glasgow Dating Coach Adnan Ahmed a.k.a Addy Agame Helps Personal Trainer In London With His Dating Life –
- Glasgow Dating Coach Adnan Ahmed a.k.a Addy Agame Helps Joiner In Edinburgh –
- Glasgow Dating Coach Adnan Ahmed a.k.a Addy Agame Helps IT Specialist In London –
- Glasgow Dating Coach Adnan Ahmed a.k.a Addy Agame Helps Video Editor In Spain –
- Glasgow Dating Coach Addy Agame Helps Marketing Expert In Glasgow –
The misandrist morons lied more; “he was caught when a fellow student raised concerns of his behaviour.” The dummy reporters are talking about a self-confessed alcoholic drug-addict and benefit-cheat Rita Bruce – who Ahmed reported to the police for sexually assaulting him and racially abusing him. These 2 idiot feminist hacks are full of it, what was “he caught” for, “behaviour” that is not legally a crime under Scottish law – and now it’s official, so burn in hell you pair of over-the-hill, has-been unattractive, man-hating swines! Check out the following articles that expose the disgusting Rita Bruce for the sex-pest racist criminal that she is;
Addict Rita Bruce Set-Up Adnan Ahmed Because He Rejected Her Sexual Advances, After She Sexually Assaulted Him And She Racially Abused Him;
Substance-Abusing Sex-Pest Rita Bruce Lies To Press About Wrongfully Convicted Addy Agame (Not Guilty);
Scumbag reporters stated; “Ahmed’s behaviour, according to a social worker, was entrenched. Social work deemed Ahmed to still be a risk” Red Pill Rights can exclusively reveal that the social worker who wrote the report for the court stating this stupid claim was immediately removed from Ahmed’s case for unprofessional conduct (i.e. making up statements from opinion that were heavily media influenced and not based on fact!). The social worker was sacked from Ahmed’s case immediately because her inaccurate media bias “entrenched” views were not based on reality, plus her language and conduct during Ahmed’s social work reports breached professional protocol. Ahmed made an official complaint to the relevant social work complaints department and is planning civil legal action against this social worker.
Scummy toerags Carla and Catriona continued; “the court heard Ahmed approached 2 girls in a secluded lane in Uddingston in 2016. They were aged 16 and 17 at the time.” The “girls” are above the legal age of consent in the UK, 17 and 16. The alleged conversations are said by the two witnesses to have took place around 10am approximately.
Carla and Catriona continued; “one witness, who was 17 at the time, said the man told her she looked pretty.” Again 17 is above legal age of consent in the UK and this allegation has not been proven. (Note – Adnan Ahmed was found not guilty and acquitted of this charge due to the complainer being a lying perjurer)
What the reporters conveniently left out was that the witness also said, “it was around 10am, not the usual time people go there and the lane is attached to two main roads on either side, along with two small open grass fields at either side.” The witness also said that, “this is the common route to the train station that most people coming from that direction would take.” The Evening Times left out the fact that before this quote the witness told the jury, “he introduced himself, he made general conversation, we spoke for under three minutes and parted ways.” This is vital information!
In regard to the second witness The Evening Times left out that the incident is said by the witness to have taken place again around 10am, in the same lane attached to two main roads that is the main route to the train station which commuters take. Both these witnesses admit to being linked and both stated that they are good friends. What Carla and Catriona again conveniently left out was that the witness told the court; “right next to the train station and that the pair parted ways in under 3 minutes in different directions towards their separate destinations!” Mr Ahmed’s defence team lodged an eyewitness in his defence who can confirm there was no “intimidation” involved. (Note – Adnan Ahmed was found not guilty and acquitted of this charge due to the complainer being a lying perjurer)
The Evening Times also conveniently left out the testimony Adnan Ahmed gave to the court himself, Addy gave a real honest account of events stating; “it was around 10am, we were both walking on the main route to the train station, it is not a secluded lane, it’s a open main route to the train, I was walking in front of her, waved and signalled for her to take her headphones out, then said – hey you look pretty enough to go for coffee with, that is if your boyfriend is cool with it. She smiled and said, I don’t have a boyfriend. I then said I’m catching a train to the city centre. I thought she was doing the same as she wasn’t wearing a uniform and it was outside of hours, I assumed she was 19 or 20. She then said – I’m going there; which shocked me, I immediately asked how old are you? She said 17, I then said – hope you’re enjoying it and shook her hand to say bye, her ring struck my hand when we shook hands, I said – you hit me with your wedding ring as a parting joke, I did not ask her about her being married! The conversation lasted under a minute, I did not ask her for her number or to go for a coffee. I saw her many times around that area for 3 years and we never spoke again, she also confirmed this to the police.”
Click the following link to read about a testimonial by a female who dated Addy, who met him in the same area around the same time further proving his innocence –
Regarding the second incident, Addy told the court; “it was around the same time and place, again 10 am, on my way to the city, soon as she said she was 16 I left, this girl confirmed to the court I didn’t ask for a number, she confirmed I didn’t ask her out, it was less than a minute of chat. She also said in court she saw me many times after that in the area and we never spoke again. These incidents are said to have happened in 2016 and no one came forward then. only in 2019 after how I was portrayed in the social media hate campaign (referring to BBC Social hate video against him) there was a sudden change in perspective by these girls to say passing comments were a crime that caused them discomfort. I could have asked someone for the time, after the January 2019 media uproar, they would have reported it. They both know each other well and colluded on social media. They are not being truthful! There was nothing sinister or rehearsed or pre-planned as is being suggested, it was spontaneous and quick.”
What Carla and Catriona left out is Ahmed’s brilliant advocate Donna Armstrong also said of these incidents; “the witnesses admit the path to the train station can be walked in under 60 seconds. In our civilised society these girls are considered adults not children, you’ve seen my client talk to girls on video, it is consensual, and the women involved gave positive responses, this is evidence of how his interactions are. This is the main route to the train station in Uddingston, not a secluded lane, it has fields of grass either side and the school happens to be right next to the train station. All sides have said it was during the day outside hours. For talking sake, even if both these ladies had gone on a date with him, this would be perfectly legal, this is not a crime, I implore you to find him not guilty!”
Corny liars at The Evening Times selectively falsified more stating; “a 21-year-old female broke down in court when she said Ahmed followed her through Glasgow city centre in 2016.” The woman was also asked why it took her 3 years to report it (in 2019) she told the court she didn’t feel there was a crime. The woman also told the court she had anxiety and mental health issues. She also said, “I looked a lot better 3 years ago, I was thinner, I didn’t have tattoos on my face,” the court heard.(Note – Adnan Ahmed was found not guilty and acquitted of this charge due to the complainer being a lying perjurer)
The Evening Times blatantly lied by saying she was “followed through Glasgow city centre,” no one said this but the slime bag hack journo rodents! This is inaccurate as the woman told the court it was over an hour later, she actually said after the initial approach in Buchanan Galleries she went shopping in various stores, called her grandmother for 45 minutes and headed to Argos in Stockwell street in Glasgow a further 35 minutes later approximately. The witness told the court “I did not make physical contact with the man when I pushed him,” however in her police report she said she did, this was also pointed out to the jury by Ahmed’s lawyer.(Note – Adnan Ahmed was found not guilty and acquitted of this charge due to the complainer being a lying perjurer)
The court heard, in her police statement she said the man “touched her face,” when the woman was cross examined about this contradiction in court, she said she didn’t say so at first as she didn’t want to interrupt the questioning (despite being asked numerous times) then suddenly claimed “face touch” took place. When the contradictory police statement and court statement was pointed out to the woman in front of the jurors, she sat down from a standing position in the witness box! The reporters left out that the woman also said she was messaged by the man on social media, she told jurors this happened despite her giving a fake name to the man which was not linked to any of her social media accounts as she said she did not tell him any details of mutual friends. She also told the court the man wrote his details on a receipt during the initial meeting but was still able to contact her despite not having any of her contact details and not even knowing her name! The Evening Times continued; “she walked away from him and stood with strangers to be somewhere safe.” The reporters failed to report that these alleged witnesses were not presented in court and that when the woman was asked if anyone saw this, she said no despite people being around her.(Note – Adnan Ahmed was found not guilty and acquitted of this charge due to the complainer being a lying perjurer)
Adnan Ahmed’s excellent lawyer Donna Armstrong described this witness to the court as “she is unreliable, on record she changed her story 3 times, you can’t trust the testimony she has given.” Ahmed also took the stand to testify regarding this “unreliable” witness, Ahmed stated, “she’s lying, we met briefly on Buchanan Street, then 2 hours later on Stockwell street. I was with my friend David, he’s an eyewitness. I did not try to kiss her; she gave me her number and Snapchat. She changed her story over and over. In court she said I touched her back and not face, in her police statement she said I touched her face with no mention of touching her back. In court she said she didn’t push me physically, in her police statement she said she did.” The “unreliable” woman also said she came forward in 2019 because of the BBC Social video.”
Predatory freak reporters Catriona Stewart and Carla Jenkins lied more stating; “woman told court she felt uncomfortable when he approached her on Buchanan Street and told her she looked like Kim Kardashian.” What Catriona Stewart and Carla Jenkins failed to state is that the 20 year old woman told jurors she messaged the man on Instagram, they also failed to establish how the man and woman added each other on Instagram! Catriona and Carla continued to report that the woman told the jury that the man messaged her on Instagram and she messaged him also, Catriona and Carla also stated; “he later tried to approach the woman on social media site Instagram.” Jurors also heard that this account of messages were from only one source, the witness, they were not found on the accused’s phone or laptop. The jurors also heard this supposedly happened in 2018 and was not reported until 2019. The BBC made a video defaming Ahmed in January 2019, triggering a cyber bullying campaign against him, leading to his remand.(Note – Adnan Ahmed was found not guilty and acquitted of this charge due to the complainer being a lying perjurer)
The media quoted this without pointing out the woman said only one part of her name was on her phone case and she claimed Ahmed found her on Instagram by chance despite her full name being her Instagram title. Ahmed testified in court regarding this also, he said; “we talked for under 5 minutes on St. Vincent Street, she gave me her insta details. She said to the court only one part of her name was on her phone case, her Instagram name is her whole name, and has an underscore in it, there was no way anyone could guess that – check the evidence, plus it’s a foreign name. Also there are 2 messages from her missing in the feed she provided to the court, check my message feed; I initially sent – “Kim Kardashian fun to meet you” she sent me the message “haha is this a joke” (this was missing). I responded with “no joke, let’s get drinks,” she responded, “I don’t know you,” I responded, “get to know me, do you drink red or white wine,” she then sent a “black face” emoji (this was missing from her feed) – which I didn’t notice until a few days after, I thought she was joking, so I sent back “good morning ya racist” as a joke in response. There was no further response, so I didn’t contact her again. We are both of non-white ethnicity, it was a joke, we’re both brown! She didn’t block me, I didn’t contact her again, she confirmed this. When we initially met, she didn’t say she had a boyfriend, that’s a lie, I have an eye witness who can confirm all of this!”(Note – Adnan Ahmed was found not guilty and acquitted of this charge due to the complainer being a lying perjurer)
Ahmed’s lawyer told the court; “the messages are from one source, her! This is not a crime, my client is giving an honest testimony. Being confident is not a crime. You the jury must have felt somewhat uncomfortable and intimidated when selected to be jurors for this case, that doesn’t equate to a crime either. This is not the fault of my client, these are emotions felt by all people. This is not a court of morality, it’s a court of law, you may not like my client but that doesn’t mean he’s guilty. He did not intimidate anyone.” Lawyer Ms Armstrong also cross-examined this accuser stating, “there are messages missing from the feed, why did he respond “no joke” after initially sending “fun to meet you” without a response, it doesn’t make sense. You said in your statement, “is this a joke” now you’re saying it was in person and not over text?!” The witness twisted her face and scowled at the lawyer in response.
Scummy feminists Stewart and Jenkins went onto quote drug-addicted racist sex-pest Rita Bruce stating; “outside court Rita Bruce, who brought Ahmed’s behaviour to light, said she was relieved it was acknowledged Ahmed was still a risk to women.” Well actually, “Ahmed’s behaviour” has officially been described as “totally legal” by 3 respected top judges in the highest court in Scotland thus Ahmed is officially “not a risk to women”, the Scottish legal system and law books say so. As for self-confessed alcoholic and benefit-cheat Rita Bruce; here is what men and women think of her white-Karen racist mission to demonise an innocent brown man because he rejected her sexual advances (so she created a witch-hunt to cover up her sex attacks and racist abuse!)
Alcoholic Racist ‘Rita Bruce’ Exposed For Setting Up Addy Agame Because He Rejected Her Creepy Advances –
Creepy Catriona and creeper Carla continued to quote rotter Rita, stating ;”she had become alarmed at his YouTube videos when they met while studying for a BA degree. Ahmed later lost his job at Turning Point when crimes came to light.” And now Ahmed’s innocence has been proven and Rita’s disgusting scam has been exposed. No crimes took place, which is officially recorded in the Scottish law books – 3 high court judges acquitted Adnan Ahmed and vindicated him with a “not guilty” verdict. Ahmed is now suing the education, employment andgovernment bodies who fell for Rita’s dirty scam; as well as pursuing further police action against her!
Rita was “alarmed” because Ahmed dated young, beautiful, slim women with feminine traits; not old unattractive, overweight feminists that hate-men whilst desperately trying to emulate them at the same time (like crazed hound Rita Bruce acts).
Your only unreliable source for pursuing this stupidity was an elderly drug abuser (Rita Bruce), everyone else in the media ignored the chubby addicts BS, as did the police. But mud-slinging cowards Catriona and Carla had the motivation of revenge (again angry feminists with failed careers) to find a target to burn in the public sphere to make a name for themselves. They reek of desperation and creepiness; yucky, sickening and disgusting women.
If anyone should change their behaviour, it ought to be those doing the shaming for popularity (or other gain) ie. racist feminists like Catriona, Carla and Rita Bruce. Twitter / media shaming allows fake people who complacently pretend to be “nice” or stand for “justice” to darkly take part in twisted yet somewhat hidden bullying, in the name of a “cause,” but in reality it’s just to indulge their shallow egos and to gain popularity of some sort (money, power, acceptance). Look at the facts and their track records – who have miserable dogs Catriona, Carla and cowardly benefit-cheat Rita Bruce actually every helped? However it’s evident who they have hurt – a man who did nothing to either of them, ever; not to mention the women, children and men that are attached to him and depend on him! Some people grow-up and aspire to be what their hero’s are, what will our next generation be raised to aspire to be in a society fooled by and run by cheats and liars!
Seedy Stewart and jealous Jenkins continued; “Rita from Maryhill said; I’m actually really pleased the judge recognised that Ahmed would potentially be a further danger to women. I think it’s important that the judge commended the women, his victims that stood in court. It must have been horrendous for them….” Victims of what you druggy – a chat in the daytime in front of thousands of people and hundreds of security cameras!
There were no “victims” because Ahmed was proven innocent in 2020 as there was “no crime to answer to” which is the legal ruling of 3 esteemed high court judges! And Ahmed “was never and will never potentially be a danger to women,” danger of what – a conversation you alcy feminist moron! Adnan Ahmed was acquitted, thus found “not guilty” which means “he never was a danger to women,” however Rita Bruce has been accused of sexual assault and racial abuse; meaning she is a danger to young men and ethnic minorities!
The judge Rita lorded after her momentary scam success was humiliated by his senior legal officials for being corrupt via his conduct at Ahmed’s show-trial, which was dubbed a miscarriage of justice by 3 major law chiefs! Rita’s bogus judge will be lucky if he ever finds work again in a Scottish court, serves him right for being a male-feminist simp that tries to impose nonsense social justice feminist lies in a court of law, another fail for you Rita!
Benefit-thief con-woman Rita Bruce trying to cover up her own racism and sexual assault by saying “commended women that stood in court, must have been horrible for them.” Yeah it must take a totally disgusting amount of dishonesty to lie on the stand and to pretend having a chat was a crime (if it even happened at all, some women never even met Ahmed ever). We commend Ahmed for clearing his name in the high court via his appeal victory, for proving his innocence and in turn proving the white-privilege feminist-Karens to be lying perjurers. It must have been horrendous for Addy, but he is a true champion, he fought all of you all the way and won, wow!
Check out the following video for the full story from Addy Agame himself;
EPISODE 5 – Street Attraction & Addy Agame vs The BBC & Myles Bonnar / Part 5 of 5; ”Addy Agame Proven Innocent And Acquitted Of All Charges” –
Cowards Carla and Catriona continued to quote rancid Rita, stating; “all people in authority whether colleges, police must take women seriously when they come forward.” Yeah if there is an actual crime, not for a social media created witch-hunt by a drug-addict, racist, benefit-fraudster. They continued to quote rotten Rita, stating; “justice has been done – especially that he has been put on the sex offenders register for 10 years.” No you druggy, racist, sex-pest; justice has been done because he was proven innocent, you were proven a liar he was “taken off the register, he wasn’t even on it but for mere days.” In reality “Rita Bruce should be put on the sex offenders register indefinitely for numerous sexual assaults,” which she committed on Adnan Ahmed in 2018. Rita Bruce should be put in jail for racially abusing Ahmed by calling him the n-word!
Red Pill Rights can reveal the hidden truth behind the controversy of BBC The Social’s disgusting fake news video defaming innocent man Adnan Ahmed. We have researched various sources and have an exclusive interview with Mr Ahmed that reveals the truth about him being set-up by “radical feminist, drug-addicted alcoholic” Rita Bruce, because he rejected her sexual advances.
Rita Bruce is a portly, unemployed ginger woman in her late 50’s. She is a self-confessed alcoholic who openly admits she had to attend Alcoholics Anonymous to stop her destructive, erratic, alcoholic problem drinking, she then abandoned the AA program to pursue drugs and radical feminism. Bruce also openly admits to taking Diazepam everyday, along with a host of mental health medication, over the last 5 years. Rita Bruce has no children, is not in a relationship, leeches from the benefits system and from student loans, is in debt to the government and lives with numerous cats that she never lets out.
Rita Bruce studied with Adnan Ahmed at Fife College in the 2018/2019 semester and was the person who reported his YouTube Channel to BBC The Social’s reportedly racist journalist Myles Bonnar. Bonnar openly stated that Bruce informed him of Ahmed’s dating business and together they planned his set-up. A feminist racist and a reporter racist is a match made in hell for any sane person.
We asked Adnan Ahmed aka Addy Agame to comment on this, he said, “I didn’t know this wretched swine of a woman had done this until April 2019 while I was on remand. I knew there was something wrong with Rita Bruce the moment I met her. She liked to talk non-stop about utter nonsense and liked the sound of her own voice. She struck me as an arrogant, scatter-brained and prejudiced person. I later discovered that she was a lifelong alcoholic and a daily diazepam user, she told me this. It made sense and explained why she acted so erratically. She also had a bitter hatred towards men in general and was always complaining and moaning about how all men were the reason why her life was such a mess. I think her drug addiction, alcoholism and her not being able to have relationship with a man for over a decade are the real reasons for her insecure radical feminist views, no normal guy would want to deal with that amount of baggage and madness.”
Ahmed continued, “I tried to avoid Rita as much as I could, she would leer at me in class, it made me feel uncomfortable, she is in her late 50’s, I would never even consider her as a romantic option. Rita and her two friends from my class offered me a lift to our educational establishment, which was based in Fife as we all stayed in the Glasgow area. I reluctantly agreed as it was convenient. I received a lift from them for 3 months from August 2018, it was absolute torture. I put up with it for a short time because I was trying to be tolerant of her severe mental health and emotional problems, again she discussed these issues and they were quite clear to see.”
Rita Bruce sexually harassed and sexually assaulted Adnan Ahmed numerous times over the period of 3 months, as well as making racist comments towards him. Addy reported this to the police, but it was ignored and brushed aside by a female officer because he is male. This is a complete double standard demonstrated by Police Scotland. We asked Adnan Ahmed about this, he recalled, “Rita touched me inappropriately many times, I had to tell her to stop, that we were just friends and sometimes I just walked away. The first time it happened we were all discussing fitness in the car ride to Fife – she told me to take my top off and show her my muscles. Another time she touched my buttock as I was getting out of the car, yet another time she put her hand on my chest and did some weird eye contact thing, she also squeezed my leg on a different occasion and would try to indecently brush against me. She must act like this with other men also, this behaviour seems practised and comes very naturally to her.”
We asked Mr Ahmed why he didn’t report this to the police or his educational establishment, he said, “as a guy you know if you say this to the police they don’t take you seriously, plus there is a total double standard when it comes to women touching men inappropriately, it’s considered OK when women do it. Additionally men are usually ridiculed or shamed if they speak up about this and no one believes men when it comes to them experiencing sexual or domestic abuse from women.”
Ahmed went onto say,“I told this woman I had a girlfriend, but she felt justified in her actions and didn’t see anything wrong with her actions because of her gender and mine. She would bring me nuts and dried fruit to snack on and use creepy language packed with innuendo, she even asked me my penis size one time. I made up the excuse that I was unable to get my coursework done on the way in because of the noise and began getting the bus in. It was a longer journey but there was no more abuse, I did this in October 2018.”
Red Pill Rights discovered that Myles Bonnar stated online that Rita Bruce had got in touch with him in October 2018 to report Adnan Ahmed. Ahmed commented, “I know for a fact she felt rejected because I thwarted her predatory advances, she is a delusional drug addict, she would laugh and boast about living off benefits and her student loan, and she would say she had no intention of getting a job. She said she was using the course for financial support and social interaction.”
Addy continued, “I told my girlfriend about Rita’s sexual advances in August, my girlfriend was not happy about it. When I stopped the car journeys, Rita Bruce stalked me online, no one knew about my dating business in class. I just attended, did my work and left promptly, I’m a busy man. Rita stalked me online; found my Instagram and YouTube channel, reported me to BBC The Social with a rant about women’s rights and social justice. Her real reason was because I rejected her. I found out she did this in October 2018, the BBC Social video came out in January 2019. I attended classes during that time period, she didn’t even let on she had reported me or had any problems with me or my business, yet she knew about my channel and was watching me online. It’s so weird and creepy. We did group work together in November, we were assigned into groups of 4 at the start of the term, we even attended an exam in December 2018 – I had no inclination she had done this. She knew I had a 10 year old daughter, knew about my mother and that I had a girlfriend – who she was clearly jealous of. She doesn’t care about women’s rights, she hurt those women, she only cares about her selfish warped drug-induced desires!”
Ahmed expressed his disbelief saying, “I can’t believe BBC The Social took this alcoholic addict mad woman seriously. I imagine she contacted a lot of media people who just ignored it. The racist reporter Myles Bonnar saw his opportunity at a crack at fame and took it on board, he’s a slimy character with no backbone or integrity. Rita Bruce is a podgy two-faced horror show. She clearly has a void in her life as she doesn’t have children. She has numerous cats of whom she tried to show me pictures of, like they were her kids, again very weird. She reminded me of one of those sad, crazy, lonely, lunatic cat ladies people would joke about on television. She said her cats have never left her house, those poor animals, her house must stink and must be infested with cat urine and faeces.”
We asked Ahmed about Bruce racially abusing him, he said “we had a class project about the Tuskegee syphilis studies in regards to human behaviour. The experiments were carried out on black men in America. In class, during a group work session, she made horrible comments calling me ”nigg*r” twice. She though she was being funny, I was shocked, two other people witnessed this in the group. I didn’t find it funny, I told her it was racist and out of order, she stopped laughing and acted strange, saying – ‘I didn’t mean it like that’.
Rita Bruce is an arrogant nasty piece of work who attempted to ruin Adnan Ahmed’s life under the disguise of feminism. Addy told us, “when I discovered it was her that was behind all of this I was disgusted. I found out in April that there was some sort of failed and poorly attended protest about me in Buchanan Street, Glasgow. I didn’t even know it had happened until my lovely girlfriend told me there was a Facebook video about the protest with Rita Bruce on it, taking credit for how she set me up. The protest didn’t effect me, neither did the sad and hateful minority who attended it. I was on remand and like I said I didn’t even know it took place until months later. It doesn’t surprise me that these crazy individuals with empty lives would actually dedicate their time to such a stupid cause, their lives must suck. I’m grateful for my girlfriend, my mother, my brother, my friends and all the other good people who’ve visited me and wrote to me over the last 7 months. I have visits everyday and sometimes the amount of mail I receive is overwhelming, I’d like to thank these people for their love and support, they are the ones that really matter to me. I don’t care about some random angry person that I’ve never met before and will never meet, talking about me from behind a screen. I’m too solid to let that even enter into my head space.”
Rita Bruce continued to stalk Adnan Ahmed whilst he was on remand. During a court hearing in July 2019, Bruce retweeted the lame protest video she featured in, trying to stir up support for her only claim to fame to no avail. People don’t care anymore, it’s old news, it’s fake news and Adnan Ahmed is officially not guilty of any crimes!
We asked Ahmed about this, he said, “she is a major stalker, when I appeared in court for a hearing on 22nd July, my girlfriend was there, I was happy to see her beautiful face. At the other end of the room, Rita Bruce was there, she is a totally creepy predatory, but gets away with it because she’s female. She has too much spare time on her hands. It wasn’t my trial, it was adjournment proceedings, even the press had left, she had no business being there. I guess this is the only claim to fame she has, she disgusts me.”
Ahmed was set-up by the media and trolls on social media, a couple of women’s rights organisations got involved, who further involved the authorities, who then acted too hastily and set up a court date to cover up their mess.
Reporter rats Stewart and Jenkins stated; “Ahmed was supported in court by family, including his fiancé who sobbed as the sentence was handed down. The woman had to be restrained by a police officer as she tried to enter the dock to reach Ahmed.” This is a disgraceful attempt by the 2 portly feminist hacks to take shots at Ahmed’s then fiancé. She probably rejoiced when the sentence / conviction was quashed by 3 high court judges in 2020, whilst the paunchy reporters sobbed tears of defeat! It must feel good to be right, how does it feel to be wrong Carla and Catriona!? Ahmed’s fiancé didn’t have to be restrained, a cop was standing beside her and simply signalled to her to stay calm – she didn’t try to “enter the doc,” she simply put her hand out to Ahmed in a gesture signalling support for Ahmed. It’s insane how idiots like Catriona Stewart and Carla Jenkins are even allowed to be members of the press, in any other country they would be fired for misconduct via their fake news – however the Scottish media seem to be on a much lower level of seediness allowing morons like this to report lies!
The facts are that Catriona Stewart and Carla Jenkins harassed Ahmed’s partner and mother. Stalker Catriona turned up outside Ahmed’s then fiancé’s family home pathetically and desperately wanting to ”interview” her as an intimidation tactic of some sort, even leaving her cheap business card with members of the female’s family. And speaking of intimidation tactics Carla Jenkins pathetically got her simping bum beta camera man Jamie Simpson to snap pictures of Ahmed’s then fiancé and mother on the court room steps immediately after them being traumatised by Ahmed’s wrongful conviction; she along with her simp camera man even stooped to harassing and following them in order to mentally scar them when they were most vulnerable!
Both creeps Catriona and Carla targeted the female victims, which the victims said made them feel “uncomfortable, intimidated, harassed, fearful, alarmed, hounded, abused and threatened.” Sounds like Catriona Stewart and Carla Jenkins need to be charged for “threatening and abusive behaviour towards women and girls that caused their victims fear and alarm.”
It’s ironic that these 2 creep hypocrite hacks pretend to virtue signal in the name of wretched feminism, yet do the exact opposite via their twisted crimes just to get a story or to intimidate people! If there are more victims of Stewart and Jenkins, please come forward – we will help and support you to get justice against them!
Red Pill Rights tracked down Mrs Ahmed, Adnan Ahmed’s mother and got the following statement from her, “I love my son, he’s an innocent man, he was remanded because of a media witch-hunt created by a journalist called Myles Bonnar from BBC The Social. This Myles fellow is an angry racist white man, he didn’t like the colour of my son’s skin in my opinion, especially in regards to my son speaking to white women. There is no place for this type of racism and white supremacy. Myles Bonnar comes across as a shameless racist. He attacked my son’s character because he is jealous, Myles strikes me as the unlucky with women type. I feel he didn’t like the fact my son Adnan is an ethnic minority running a dating business with predominantly black staff, teaching white clients how to meet women.”
Ahmed’s mother also said, “Adnan loves women. We have a great relationship, he’s a responsible outgoing upstanding man. He is innocent, he should not have been held in custody, he should have been bailed and allowed to help people in the community like he was doing. The Scottish Justice System is shameful and unjust. I know my son was in there because of the media, the charges against him were false, he had witnesses, proof and an alibi. Adnan has a loving relationship with his 25 year old fiance and his 11 year old daughter – our family consists mostly of women, we all love him and support him. His fiance and I visited him on a daily basis.”
The wretched pair of lying reporters stated; “Ahmed had been previously jailed 7 times.” This is a total lie, check the prison records, Ahmed had only previously been imprisoned twice. Is this how amateur these clowns are that they make stupid idiotic mistakes due to a lack of fact-checking or are they just fake news liars that make-up falsehoods – it’s actually both!
The pair of dumb numb skulls continued; “the court heard Ahmed had previous convictions for drink-driving and a firearms charge.” Adnan’s previous record is bad. However, he plead guilty to those offences straight away because he was guilty of those crimes. But he was not guilty of the false allegations related to his legitimate dating business, hence why he took this farce all the way to a trial maintaining his innocence, then to the appeal court and proved his innocence! Adnan has not committed any offences since 2013, had never been on trial before, had worked with the police and had never been placed on a fully committed remand or been indicted in the past.
Although his previous is bad, it does not include anything sexual ever! The alcohol offences he had in his past he has fully rehabilitated from and is willing to be tested at random to prove this. The firearm offences were a taser that was not functional and a fake replica pistol (which could not harm anyone). For all his offences together he received a total of 35 months custodial sentence.
Adnan worked as a criminal justice practitioner for Turning Point until the time of his remand. He was also moving away from the dating field and taking DWLF in a new direction focusing on human rights / men’s rights. His job was supporting ex-cons and drug addicts to reform and integrate them into society. He planned to expand his company into representing men who had been wrongfully accused of crimes they hadn’t committed. He had no idea that he would be in a very similar situation.
Adnan was planning to study criminology in his 4thyear at University. In his 1styear he gained an HNC in Social Services (at the City of Glasgow College). In his 2ndyear he gained an HND in Additional Support Needs (at Glasgow Clyde College). At the time of his arrest he was half-way through his 3rdyear doing a BA in Learning Difficulties /Disabilities (between Fife College and Abertay University). His 4thyear would have been a BA (Hons) in Criminology (at Abertay University in Dundee). His place on the course was terminated as was his employment because of the media scandal. Adnan also has a previous BA in Business Studies (From Glasgow Caledonian University).
The most important fact is justice was done and Adnan Ahmed aka Addy Agame won his appeal to overturn the wrongful convictions and sentence due to a miscarriage of justice and no actual crime to answer to in September 2020!
Check out our next blog post here;