Evil female Ellie Wain was given a life sentence to serve a minimum of 17 years She convicted of murder after fatally stabbing her boyfriend in the street outside their home. Ellie Wain was armed with a knife following an argument with Kieran Brown. He was promptly driven to hospital by a relative but sadly […]
The Sedgwick County Sheriff said that a detention deputy applying for a new position within the agency has been fired and arrested on suspicion of criminal charges after she admitted to a background investigator that she’d lied about being sexually assaulted by a male coworker. The former deputy, LeAnn Bailey Blair Schlicher of Derby, was […]
This is not the first time that the scumbags at BBC Scotland have targeted the great Rangers football club – they selectively edited a video of Rangers legend Ally Mccoist out of context, showing him smirking at former Celtic manager receiving death threats, something Mccoist did not do and the dirty dogs at the BBC […]