Oct 31, 2020


by: dexter


Tags: feminist, robyngoldie, sharongoldie


Categories: Uncategorized

Scottish Feminist; Sharon Goldie Imprisoned For Leaving Daughter To Die On Sofa, While She Went To The Pub To Get Drunk

A Scottish feminist mother who left her dying 13-year-old daughter on the sofa while she went to the pub has been jailed for three years and six months. Robyn Goldie developed peritonitis and died in July 2018 after her mother Sharon Goldie failed to seek medical treatment for her.

She suffered a perforated duodenal ulcer. The court heard the teenager had tried to get medical help the week before, but her mother had stopped her. Sharon Goldie, 45, pleaded guilty to wilful ill treatment and neglect of her daughter over the period of a year from July 2017 and July 2018.

She admitted failing to provide her daughter with adequate food, clothing or heating, hitting her, and permitting her to smoke cannabis and drink alcohol. Goldie, from Wishaw, North Lanarkshire, pleaded guilty to exposing her to unhygienic living conditions including cat urine and cat faeces, which led to her getting fleas.

Sentencing her in a High Court sitting at Edinburgh Sheriff Court, Lord Beckett told Goldie she showed “considerable cruelty over a prolonged period” and said there was no alternative to a custodial sentence.

Read the full story here; https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-54735097

Check out our next blog post here; http://redpillrights.com/mayor-apologises-after-feminist-backlash-for-saying-boys-have-a-penis/