The Evening Times Use Selective Bias To Report About Man, Adnan Ahmed, Adamantly Pleading “Not Guilty” To “Being Accused of Approaching School Girls In Secluded Lanes”

The Evening Times Reports Selective Negative Quotes From People Testifying Against Adnan Ahmed Without Going In Detail About Exact Testimony; In Order To Influence Public Opinion And Jurors To Gain Conviction Through Media Perception

The man accused, Adnan Ahmed, maintains he is not guilty. The series of alleged “offences” are alleged conversations with women during the day time in vastly populated streets. The accusations of “feeling uncomfortable and intimidated” have not been proven. The “schoolgirls” are above the legal age of consent in the UK, 17 and 16. The alleged conversations are said by the two witnesses to have took place around 10am approximately, school had already started. The witnesses stated, “they were in there last year (6th year) of high school in 2016,” to the court. This is several months before a college or university course would begin should students at the late stage of high school wish to continue further education.

The Evening Times continued; “one witness, who was 17 at the time, said the man told her she looked pretty and asked her if she was married.” Again 17 is above legal age of consent in the UK and this allegation has not been proven. Additionally, to call someone pretty or ask their marital status, is not a criminal offence! The Evening Times continued; “Adnan Ahmed denies 18 charges including sexual assault and behaving in a threatening and abusive manner.” This is true, Adnan Ahmed is adamant he is not guilty of any of the charges. The Evening Times also said; “alleged to have occurred in Glasgow and Uddingston,” however this specific allegation was not alleged to have occurred in Glasgow. The Evening Times called the first witness an; “alleged victim now aged 20,” The Evening Times also said; “the witness told jurors an Asian man named Addy approached her in a lane on her way to school.” What The Evening Times conveniently left out was that the witness also said, “it was around 10am, not the usual time people go to school and the lane is attached to two main roads on either side, along with two small open grass fields at either side.” The witness also said that, “this is the common route to the train station that most people coming from that direction would take.”

The Evening Times quoted the witness as saying; “he asked me if I was at school and what I was doing at school.” The Evening Times left out the fact that before this quote the witness told the jury, “he introduced himself then I told him I was at school, he made general conversation, we spoke for under three minutes and parted ways.” This is vital information!

The Evening Times quoted the witness alleging, “he was asking if I had a boyfriend and I said no.” This is not a crime and has not been proven in court. The Evening Times continued; “the woman said she got to the end of the lane before Addy grabbed her hand,” this is not accurate, it has been paraphrased by The Evening Times. The witness told the prosecutor, “he took my hand it was consensual,” when the prosecutor asked her about when consent ended, the witness said; “when I took my hand away.” The Evening Times continued; “she said – he asked me if I was married, as I was wearing a ring, I said no and walked away.” This has not been proven in court and is not an offence under Scottish Law.

The Evening Times again quoted; “he then asked for my number and wanted to know if I wanted to go for a coffee,” the bias order of quoting is not accurate in The Evening Times‘s reporting as they quoted the witness as saying, “I walked away.” The Evening Times then stated; “the woman then walked quickly towards school told friends and teachers about the incident.” However no “friends” or “teachers” came to court to confirm this. In the woman’s police statement, she said she saw Mr Ahmed several times after the 2016 incident in the same area, but they never spoke again! The 2016 incident was reported to police in January 2019 after the BBC made a video defaming Ahmed’s dating business.

The Evening Times went onto to quote a second witness stating; “who was 16 at the time is now 19, said an Asian man approached her on the lane, he said hi I’m Addy what’s your name and started asking general questions and chatting.” Again, this is not a recognised crime under Scottish Law. 16 is the legal age of consent in Scotland. The Evening Times left out that the incident is said by the witness to have taken place again around 10am after school had already began an hour previously, in the same lane attached to two main roads that is the main route to the train station which commuters take. Both these witnesses admit to being linked and both stated that they are good friends.

The Evening Times continued quoting the allegations made by the witness; “I was surprised as I didn’t know anyone was behind me, I didn’t go into much detail, I didn’t know what to do in the situation, he spoke about my school subjects.” This allegation has not been proven in court and is not a recognised crime under Scottish Law. The Evening Times continued; “the girl said she felt intimated by Addy and said she couldn’t reply to him.” This is inaccurate, the witness told the court she “openly spoke to Addy to be polite.” However, neither of these statements have been proven in court. The Evening Times continued their bias selective reporting by stating; “she said, I wanted to go to school as I was quite shaken up and wanted to walk on my own.” What The Evening Times again conveniently left out was that the witness told the court; “the school is right next to the train station and that the pair parted ways in under 3 minutes in different directions towards their separate destinations!” Mr Ahmed’s defence team have lodged an eye witness in his defence who can confirm there was no “intimidation” involved.

The Evening Times are at it again, biasedly reporting about allegations against a man during his trial on a daily basis, The Evening Times uses a writing style that implies events took place without saying so explicitly. This is a media tactic used to name and shame accused individuals before they have been convicted of any crimes. Despite Adnan Ahmed adamantly saying he is not guilty, The Evening Times decide to release an online article using selective quotes from court witness testimonies that are negative in nature, leaving out anything to the contrary to imply the man’s innocence. This is a common trick used by The Evening Times in order to influence public/ jury perception which can result in a conviction even if the accused is innocent! Anonymity should be given to both the accused and the accusers until court proceedings are complete. The Evening Times however have a vested interest in having Ahmed convicted as they can be sued for defamation if he isn’t.

We at Red Pill Rights vow to keep the anonymity of the accusers intact and will only report on factual testimonies given in court as well as details on where The Evening Times have left out facts. The court room is open to the public and to the media to hear all details for themselves.

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