The Scummy Scottish Sun (Creep Kevin Duguid) And The Scottish Media Make Taxpayers Pick Up The Cheque (Costing £100,000+) Due To Their False Defamation Of Addy Agame (Found Innocent / Acquitted / Conviction Quashed / Not Guilty Due To No Crime To Answer To!)
Lying Filth At The Scottish Sun Use Coward Hack Kevin Duguid To Try To Frame Ahmed’s Legal Victory As Judicial Technicality; When In Reality It Was Due To “No Case To Answer” For All The Charges As Well As Judicial Misconduct!
Addy Agame Proven Innocent, Beats False Allegations Due To Miscarriage Of Justice / No Actual Crime! –
Adnan Ahmed aka Addy Agame Wins Appeal To Overturn Wrongful Conviction / Sentence Due To Miscarriage Of Justice And No Actual Crime To Answer To –
The scum at the Scottish Sun must be running out of ideas to try and defame Addy Agame. We’ll see how they feel when he takes the slimy fake news rag to court for defamation. They had a cowardly creep reporter by the name of Kevin Duguid shovel their dog dirt article for them. Corny Kev and the sleazy Sun stated; “lawyers representing Ahmed paid £4, 888….cost taxpayer £5000 before conviction quashed…”
The seedy rag /reporter failed to mention the £17,000 Ahmed paid out of his own pocket to get his excellent and skilled legal team to fight the case at a media induced show-trial. In all reality it was media rats like the Scottish Sun and BBC Scotland that lost the public and taxpayers £100,000 plus in costs because they caused the fake hype around Addy Agame’s “no crime to answer” case. A corrupt judge fell for it, as well as some less than intelligent police officers. However when Adnan Ahmed took his case to the highest court in Scotland – 3 of the top judges in the country saw it for the “trial by media” rubbish it was and quashed all the false convictions!
Reasons For Appeal;
- The trial judge caused a miscarriage of justice via his bias and discriminatory misconduct, especially when he elected to cross examine the accused at the end of the defence’s case
- The judge erred in repelling the ‘no case (crime) to answer submissions‘ made under Scottish law for all the charges the accused was wrongfully convicted of, causing a miscarriage of justice
- It was impossible for the accused to receive a fair trial based on the manner the police sought out complainers
- It was impossible for the accused to receive a fair trial because the Scottish press influenced the jury / public negatively both before and during the trial, causing a miscarriage of justice
- It was impossible for the accused to receive a fair trial because the social worker initially allocated and the trial judge were influenced by press propaganda during the trial causing a miscarriage of justice
- The social workers report was prejudicial and relied on opinion from the press rather than impartiality from a professional standpoint
- There was NO sexual element / aggravation / motivation – the accused was running a dating business for a monetary purpose not for sexual gratification
- There was NO actual sexual offense committed and NO actual sexual convictions, hence notification requirements were the wrong outcome, causing a miscarriage of justice
Watch the videos below for the full story on how idiot fake news media outlets like the Scottish Sun and BBC Scotland, etc, conned the Scottish public out of their hard-earned cash;
Addy Agame Proven Innocent, Beats False Allegations Due To Miscarriage Of Justice / No Actual Crime! –
EPISODE 1- ”Mainstream Media Demonisation Of Addy Agame” –
EPISODE 2 – ”The BBC’s Manipulation / Defamation Of Street Attraction” –
EPISODE 3 – ”Infield Videos & False Allegations” –
EPISODE 4 – ”History, Society, Politics & Feminazis” –
Or alternatively you can read the full story here;
Dirt-bag Duguid wrote; “Ahmed was found guilty of filming himself accosting 5 women in the city from 2016 to 2019.” This is a total lie, there were no charges of ”filming or accosting.” There are legal documents (indictment and appeal victory) that prove this. The Scottish Sun are bare-faced lying pigs, it’s no wonder they’re getting sued all across the UK!
In reality Ahmed was wrongfully convicted by a biased jury who were influenced by an online social media campaign and horrible selective press reporting during every turn of his trial (by Scottish media scum). Even though it was clearly stated in court; “this is not a crime; being confident is not a crime, having a conversation is not a crime, witness is unreliable, asking someone out is not a crime, if you have any inclination of reasonable doubt – he’s innocent, people’s perspectives were skewed by how Ahmed was portrayed in a online/ media hate campaign.” Ahmed was actually wrongfully convicted of section 38 breach of the peace which is equivalent to raising one’s voice too loud outdoors, complete madness! Here’s how the jury process works in Scotland, there is no screening for racist, feminist, prejudice or psychiatric deficiencies (unlike the USA). 15 members of the public are selected at random and simply told, “don’t go on social media or media” without any enforcement or checks conducted during the trial. Ahmed’s jury was made up of 9 females and 6 males (some of which were programmed by the media to hate him, some pudgy beta males and some angry overweight feminists), the wrongful non-majority “guilty” verdict was appealed and overturned in September 2020 as no crime was actually committed! Ahmed maintained his innocence, all 18 of the fake charges were dropped due to all allegations being false! Adnan Ahmed did not receive a fair trial and is not guilty of any criminal conduct – that is the official legal outcome of this bizarre BBC Scotland witch-hunt! Addy won; the media, the trolls and his false accusers were defeated by him!
The jury and accusers are asked to take an “oath to God” to ensure an unbiased testimony, without individuals even being screened to see if they even believe in God (in an age of rampant atheist beliefs). It’s a ridiculous board-game style set-up, the initial Sheriff court case was not justice, it was a farce! It was the aim of the clowns in the Scottish press to dehumanise Adnan Ahmed, objectify him, troll him and discredit his reputation in order to write scandalised, sensationalised lies as news stories. They did not write about his girlfriend and his mother being present to support him during the trial, as well as various male and female well-wishers and supporters dropping in and out during the proceedings. They did not report whole testimonials, only select words to demonise Ahmed further. The press even reported incidents Ahmed was found “not guilty” of after the kangaroo-court show-trial finished. This is further grounds for him to sue for defamation, which he is in the process of doing!
The sore losers at the Scottish Sun continued; “he got 2 years but appeal judges ruled a miscarriage of justice over a Sheriff’s inappropriate cross examination.” This is partially true – the Scottish Sun scum and slave-boy Kevin are employing an age old media trick known as omission of facts! Basically the media leave out facts to frame a situation in a certain context.
The truth is Ahmed did suffer a miscarriage of justice due to a corrupt Sheriff being overly influenced by media hype, however if this was the only reason he won the appeal; there would have been a mandatory re-trial! Addy was also found “not guilty of all charges due to no crime to answer to” in the first place, deeming a re-trial impossible and resulting in all charges being dropped and all 5 wrongful convictions being quashed! This is a legal fact, it’s now in the Scottish law books and on Ahmed’s appeal outcome document online!
Creepy Kevin labels Adnan Ahmed as a “so-called pick-up artist.” Again misinformation, as Adnan Ahmed has said on many occasions, “I am not a pick-up artist, I’m a dating and life coach, we help people using scientific self-help not tricks, techniques, lines and tactics.”
The toilet paper news rag teamed up with creepy Kevin Duguid to make up fake charges of “hounding girls.” Typical tabloid trash. Ahmed faced no charges of “hounding” anyone, he was wrongfully convicted of section 38 breach of the peace. He won his appeal to overturn all false allegations and will sue the hounds at The Scottish Sun for hounding him with their lies and filth!
The hypocrites at the Scottish (scum) Sun are well known for hounding and exploiting young vulnerable women! Creepy Kevin runs vile fake news stories for the seedy Scottish Sun; who are known for showing young naked teenage girls in their newspaper and secretly filming unsuspecting female celebrities in their underwear.
These creeps have the cheek to accuse Addy Agame (an innocent man, proven not guilty and totally vindicated in the highest court in the country) of “hounding women” – really! This is an absolute lie, Addy was not found guilty of “hounding” anyone, there were no charges of “hounding” even lodged against him. This is another reason to sue Duguid and racist publication The Scottish Sun for defamation!
The sour-pussed suckers at the Scottish Sun lied more; “BBC investigation into his activities revealed he was part of global network of PUAs who practice game.” Shut up, you idiots, at least learn to lie convincingly if that’s how you’re going to report! The BBC flop-umentary he refers to is by creep Myles Bonnar, a low status creep trying to make a name for himself, by literally being a lying snitch. Cowardly racist Myles Bonnar has disappeared into nothingness again after selling himself out for fame (he has no actual skills / talent) by trying to destroy innocent men’s lives because he’s a spineless weasel who women find repulsive.
BBC The Social hounded the Glasgow dating coach for months, he reached out to them and responded with a detailed explanation of his business model and background to his client base as well as the scientific reasoning behind this method of face to face daytime speed dating, which was in large ignored. Instead they used choice sentences to turn up the controversy in order to create a story and demonise an innocent man. The police didn’t act because of online videos, they were aware of them for years, they crumbled because of media pressure because Police Scotland is a Mickey Mouse force of hick villagers.
Addy gave a statement at the trial also telling the court; “no one involved (the women) thought anything untoward was going on until their perception was changed by how I was portrayed in the online and media smear campaign in January 2019 (referring to BBC Social’s cyber-hate video). All of a sudden a few warped people said I spoke to them like it was not just a quick chat. I could have asked someone the time and they would have reported it as being uncomfortable or intimidating.” Many legal experts also agreed and re-iterated this throughout the trial.
Following are links to Addy’s actual statement to the press in January 2019 and the actual details of his appeal victory;
BBC Social Reporter Myles Bonnar Set Up Adnan Ahmed a.k.a Addy Agame –
Adnan Ahmed aka Addy Agame Wins Appeal To Overturn Wrongful Conviction / Sentence Due To Miscarriage Of Justice And No Actual Crime To Answer To –
Moron Duguid and the clowns at the Scottish Sun stated; “YouTube removed hundreds of videos and deactivated 2 channels run by Addy Agame and Street Attraction.” YouTube removed videos because of pressure from the BBC, in order to avoid bad publicity, not because these videos violated any YouTube rules on nudity or sexual conduct. Thousands of these channels still exist and the dating businesses are still functioning. Ahmed’s DWLF channel had been down since January 2019 through his own direction, not because it was deleted. None of Addy Agame’s videos violated any YouTube policies!
The fake news alarmists continued with more lies, stating; “offered tips on last-minute resistance to sex. One clip included audio of a woman apparently recorded during sex.” We have a quote from Adnan Ahmed aka Addy Agame’s video about LMR on YouTube, Addy said, “we do not condone rape, never force yourself on anyone, hold yourself in high regard and allow space for women to come to you. If she leaves so be it, no means no, move onto someone who’s into you, don’t waste your time on time wasters.”
The video Kevin refers to shows Ahmed saying, “we do not condone rape culture or forcing anyone sexually or otherwise, everything sexual is consented.” Ahmed actually refers to “last minute resistance” as “making women comfortable and creating the right mood for adult relations because too many guys either don’t know what to do or are too thirsty to get laid and forget to have fun.”
OK Kevin, so Addy had consensual sex with these women, some of which was adventurous where a couple filmed each other, again consensual, then it is used for a dating businesses YouTube channel – with all parties involved permitting it to be shown! Also there is no actual pornographic video and the female participant’s identity is protected because actual faces are not shown. Adnan Ahmed even commented on the consented video content in a statement to the BBC Social in November 2018 which was ignored in order to make a video defaming him and not showing his actual views, here is a link to what Addy actually said to the press;
Bitter bums at the Scottish Sun (and creep Kev) continued; “5 women gave evidence at trial about Ahmed.” Well turns out they were lying because Ahmed was acquitted of all charges due to no crime to answer to,” he should have them imprisoned for perjury!
The Scottish Sun are just butt-hurt because Ahmed proved them wrong, exposed them as liars and is now suing them! The Scottish Sun are scumbags, that make a living from spreading lies, fake news and defaming innocent people – they then pay lawyers to cover their sexist and racist mistakes online. The hypocrites at The Scottish Sun advocate for “women’s rights” to sell copies of their toilet paper publication. Until recently, the newspaper’s page 3 featured young teenage girls with their naked breasts on display on a daily basis. The Scottish Sun is a total sham.
Recently Johnny Depp has filed a defamation case against the Scottish Sun for naming him a “wife beater.” Depp was married to Amber Heard which ended in a divorce with Heard accusing Depp of domestic abuse, which is still to be proven in a court of law.
Johnny Depp and Amber Heard got married in February 2015 after a romantic connection formed while filming 2011’s The Rum Diary. Heard filed for divorce in May 2016 which she originally cited was due to irreconcilable differences as the reason for separation. Their divorce was finalised and Heard received $7 million as part of the settlement deal.
Amber Heard then accused Depp of domestic abuse and this sparked an ugly legal drama. Information has been brought to light which proves Depp’s innocence. Johnny Depp has been falsely accused. His legal team have discovered evidence in the form of video footage which proves that Heard had fabricated the abuse allegations.
Adam Waldman, Depp’s lawyer stated “dozens of video security tapes….eyewitness statements, newly discovered sworn affidavits and deposition transcripts from 2016, and text messages between The Sun and their #metoo source” were found as well.
He also stated that “Johnny Depp is a victim of violent abuse.”
Read the full story here:
Additionally, Prince Harry has spoken out and launched at attack on the British press, including The Scottish Sun, accusing them of “bullying” and “relentless propaganda.” Prince Harry released a statement that stated his “deepest fear” was his “wife falling victim to the same powerful forces” that his mother; Princess Diana did.
He said; “Unfortunately, my wife has become one of the latest victims of a British tabloid press that wages campaigns against individuals with no thought to the consequences – a ruthless campaign that has escalated over the past year, throughout her pregnancy and while raising our new born son.”
Prince Harry continued; “There is a human cost to this relentless propaganda, specifically when it is knowingly false and malicious, and though we have continued to put on a brave face – as so many of you can relate to – I cannot begin to describe how painful it has been. Because in today’s digital age, press fabrications are repurposed as truth across the globe. One day’s coverage is no longer tomorrow’s chip paper.”
He added; “My deepest fear is history repeating itself. I’ve seen what happens when someone I love is commoditised to the point that they are no longer treated or seen as a real person. I lost my mother and I will not watch my wife falling victim to the same powerful forces.”
This has come after Meghan has decided to take legal action against the Mail on Sunday after publication of a letter to her estranged father Thomas Markle.
Read the full story here:
The Scottish Sun doesn’t report truth or have any originality at all – even the journalists are nameless, faceless cowards! One particular bummy coward Kevin Duguid wrote articles about Adnan Ahmed’s wrongful conviction / show-trial by the media and the complete miscarriage of justice he experienced (Adnan Ahmed aka Addy Agame won his appeal to overturn the wrongful conviction and sentence due to a miscarriage of justice and no actual crime to answer to in September 2020). Kevin is most likely a low-life bitter media hack, too spineless to reveal his actual identity, in pathetic fear that Red Pill groups will expose him for the seedy scumbag liar that he are. Men’s rights are human rights; hence why we represent the truth without succumbing to what mainstream media propaganda wants to brain-wash the masses to think.
The obvious problem with leftist SJW reporters and press is that they are trained to be deceitful and to sensationalise the truth by reporting inaccurate falsehoods that allow them to just about get away with telling lies because of how the misinformation is presented to simply imply something false as true. For a sneaky reporter it is a tactic used to be a creepy stalker and to attack others, whilst keeping their filthy laundry private!
The Scottish Sun is a newspaper set-up for coward reporters to spam their fake news (whilst pretending it’s by another journalist). Scummy journalists basically just spam the same lies and inaccuracies in as many pages as possible in order to make it look like different people are talking about the same thing. This (they think) gives their stories weight as it tricks the public into believing a story because it looks like it is coming from various sources! Read Ryan Holiday’s book “Trust me, I’m lying” for a full understanding of how the media manipulate the public and destroy reputations without facing any repercussions.
The most important fact is justice was done and Adnan Ahmed aka Addy Agame won his appeal to overturn the wrongful convictions and sentence due to a miscarriage of justice and no actual crime to answer to in September 2020!
Check out our next blog post here;