Sep 12, 2020


by: dexter


Tags: idiocy, journalists, politicians


Categories: Uncategorized

SJW Politicians And Journalists Advertise Idiocy To Help Them Claim “Offence” Or Pick Up Victim Points

Politicians, journalists and others in public life now advertise their woke idiocy when it suits them, particularly if it helps them claim “offence” or pick up victim points.

Stupidity used to be something people were embarrassed by. Failing to get a joke, not recognising sarcasm and misunderstanding simple instructions were cause for mockery, not something one advertised to the world.

However, over the last few years, a disturbing number of people have been more than willing to come across as denser than a sticky toffee pudding if it suits their agenda. Barely a week goes by these days without some attention-seeking pillock wilfully getting the wrong end of the stick for a bit of extra press.

Labour MP Jess Phillips, kicked off over a fake Guardian headline doing the rounds on Twitter. It read:Whilst some around her were losing their heads, Shamima Begum kept hers – she would make a fine Labour MP,” and it is attributed to Phillips herself.

This, to anyone with an IQ higher than a spaniels, is obviously a joke. It is satire, but according to the honourable member for Birmingham Yardley it was “designed to incite hatred” and put her, her family and her staff at risk of violence. Really? Do she earnestly believe there are people out there who think she would argue that an ISIS bride would make a “fine MP,” and that said, people would physically attack you her it? SJW journalists chimed in also, as it allows them to play the victim card for page views, the media in the UK are idiots!

Read the full story here;

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